Mike Geno

Bleu Thunder 20 x 16 oil on panel.

Bleu Thunder 20 x 16 oil on panel.

Cashel Blue, 10 x 10, oil on panel

Cashel Blue, 10 x 10, oil on panel

Grafton Village Cheddar in Dome 20 x 16, oil on panel

Grafton Village Cheddar in Dome 20 x 16, oil on panel

Tunnock’s Teacake, 10 x 10, oil on panel

Tunnock’s Teacake, 10 x 10, oil on panel

Smores Cake, 24 x 23, oil on panel

Smores Cake, 24 x 23, oil on panel

Island Roll, 12 x 12, oil on panel

Island Roll, 12 x 12, oil on panel


Artist Bio

Mike Geno is a Philadelphia-based artist who is known for, among various food subjects, still-life paintings of cheese which he calls “cheese portraits”. His creative connection with cheesemakers and cheesemongers has been building an archive which visually honors the artisan food producers acting as an homage to their art. Painting cheese, and other foods, helps connect his audience to a greater community with strong feelings about the food they relate to. Mike has exhibited nationally and internationally and has been featured in publications and television and radio interviews around the world including the New York Times, Culture Magazine, The Food Seen, Cutting the Curd, Cheese Connoisseur, Vice Magazine, Food Network Magazine, Cooking Lite, The Globe and Mail (Canada), Esquire (Spain), CBS 3-Philadelphia, and Hotellerie et Gastronomie Magazine (Switzerland) among others.