Apr 13 - May 27, 2007

James Britton, %22East Screen, (sumac) North Manchester%22 5 1:2 x 9 1:8 Oil on board 1935.jpg
James Britton, %22Cloud Rolls, Mattatuck Hill%22 Waterbury 5 x 8 oil:board, 1926.jpg
James Britton, Behind the Colt Memorial, Hartford 12 3:4 x 15 1:4, oil on canvas.jpg
James Britton, Bright Red Tree, (St. Mary's, South Manchester), 1932, 15 1:4 x 23 3:4 oil on wood panel.jpg
James Britton, Untitled, Bay & Trees, Sag Harbor, 1925, 10 3:4 x 8 3:8, oil on board.jpg
James Britton %22Orchard Road, North Manchester%22 8.5 x 11 oil on board, 1934.jpg
James Britton, %22Goose House%22 North Manchester, 5 3:4 x 7 1:4 oil:board, 1934.jpg
James Britton, %22The Coal Picker%22 Connecticut River, Hartford, 13 x 17 1:4 oil on canvas, signed, 1902.jpg
James Britton, Brass Corner (sumac, North Manchester), 1935, 8 x 8 oil on board.jpg
James Britton, The Orange Shed, North Manchester, 1935, 8 x 10 1:2 oil on board.jpg
Kate McGloughlin The Apple Tree, oil on canvas, 22 x 28 2007.jpg
James Britton, %22Ball Cloud, Sag Harbor%22 10 3:4 x 8 oil on board 1925.jpg
James Britton, %22Madison, Conn.%22 8 2:5 x 11, 1933.jpg
James Britton, 3rd of August, (sumac, North Manchester) 1934, 9 x 9, oil on board.jpg
James Britton, St. Mary's South Manchester, 1930 7 1:2 x 5 1:4, oil on board.jpg
Kate McGloughlin %22Monhegan Trailhead%22 oil on paper, 5 3:8 x 7.jpg

Apr 13 - May 27, 2007

Kiesendahl+Calhoun's unprecedented show combining two painters, James Britton (1878 - 1939) and Kate McGloughlin (1962 - ) born in two different centuries with strikingly similar sensibilities. This unique show will consist primarily of small oil landscapes and some examples of both artist's woodcuts. James Britton was active in the early 1900s in Connecticut, Long Island and in New York City, where he showed annually with the likes of Maurice Prendergast, John Sloan, Glackens and George Luks. Kate McGloughlin has had two solo shows with K+C as well as participated in numerous group shows. "Striking Accord" will be held at the Second floor gallery of Hudson Beach Glass, 162 Main Street in Beacon. DIRECTIONS: Driving: From NYC Take upper level George Washington Bridge, New Jersey bound. Take first right onto Palisades Parkway north. Travel approx. 35 miles to Bear Mt. Bridge Rotary. Take Rte 6 East/202 across Bear Mountain Bridge. Exit left onto Rte 9 D north. Continue approx. 16 miles to Beacon, just north of Cold Spring. At intersection of 9D and Main Street, turn right onto Main. Hudson Beach Glass is at 162 Main Street, on the left, (formerly a fire station.) For more information, see our press release or call us 914 844 6296 or 914 325 5496.