Bill Teitsworth
Goldenrod, 36 x 28, watercolor
Lakeshore in August, 21 x 16 watercolor
Red Tulip, 22 x 18, watercolor
Artist Statement
The artist states: “Even as a student I noticed that, while I was looking at swirls and skeins of paint on a flat surface, I was experiencing something else, something visceral, of light and atmosphere and time of day. My goal as a landscape painter was formulated in that moment, and remains pretty much unchanged to this day: to make my viewer feel, rather than think about, my subject and the light falling on my subject.”
Artist Resume / Curriculum Vitae
Bill Teitsworth has received more than thirty national awards and honors, including the High Winds Medal (2011), the Greathouse Medal, and the Silver Medal of Honor of the American Watercolor Society, the Milford Zornes Award of the National Watercolor Society, and Best in Show and the Silver (John J. Newman Medal) and Bronze (Ralph Fabri Medal) of the National Society of Painters in Casein and Acrylic. His work has been included in seven books, most recently Sketchbook Confidential II, out in June 2012 from North Light Books. He has authored three articles for The Artist's Magazine, and was invited by editor Maureen Bloomfield to contribute to her article on "painting snow" this January.
He is a signature member of the American Watercolor Society, and has served as a director of the Society since 2007. In April of 2011 the AWS invited him to demonstrate "the acrylic portrait" during the 144th Annual Exhibition at the Salmagundi Club in NYC. Bill is a workshop instructor for Coastal Maine Art Workshops (and other organizations). He is represented by Kiesendahl and Calhoun Fine Art ( and by the Newman and
Saunders Gallery in Wayne, PA.